The tailor must understand the design


She began with creating functional accessories to make travel easier for her wheelchair-bound husband.Today, Shalini Visakan designs Indian and Indo-Western wear for differently abled people. It requires a lot of research and an innate sensitivity to understand the limitations of these people.But it wasn’t a smooth ride. It starts from Rs. Her husband, who is a polio survivor and is wheelchair bound, helped her make this dream into reality by enrolling her in NIFT. 1,000,” says Shalini. She is soon planning to start an exclusive store for adaptive clothing, which is also affordable as well as highly functional. Four women students, three other working professionals, and Shalini’s husband were among the models who took part in the showcase.

Her first collection consisted of 10 Indo-Western party outfits, five for men and five for women. She completed her B.The designer has been recognised with three awards till date.As a child, Shalini was very bold, happy and imaginative and these are the very traits that helped her achieve the almost impossible.Com through distance education but her passion for fashion designing always kept her dreaming. And sometimes it may not be cost effective,” explains Shalini. She first designed belts and handles that were attached to his clothes, so that he could be lifted easily.Shalini Visakan had dreamed of being a fashion designer as a young adult but she did not get the encouragement or support from her family. Then she designed garments he could easily wear. The fashion design graduate from NIFT, Chennai, also designed a single-piece saree for her wheelchair bound aunt, which did not require an under skirt and also had an attached blouse. It may take even three to four trials sometimes to get it right. The needs of the differently abled are quite difficult to understand and vary from person to person and conditions. “I charge only the material cost and the stitching charges.

She has come up with some ingenious ideas like replacing zips with Velcro and regular buttons with magnetic ones to make life easier for people with disabilities. Her husband’s encouragement also gave her the much needed push. There was no looking back when she realised the change it had brought in the lives of the differently abled and went on to launch her own adaptive clothing brand, Suvastra Designs.

“Because every person has different needs, there is always need for customisation.. The tailor must understand the design. Her research involves working with differently abled children and their parents. She wants more designers to work in this area since so little has been done till now. And to implement the changes in design is no child’s play. “My classes used to be in the evening, which made it easier for me to manage my personal life,” adds Shalini. The outfits showcased were designed specifically for the models and were made of cotton and linen fabrics that Shalini vouches are White dyed fox fur faux fur fabric the most comfortable. Her father passed away when Shalini was very young and she had to take up a job as an administrative staff in a school in Hyderabad to support her family. The designer feels there should be adaptive clothing stores on par with other fashion stores. But sometimes she also chooses the fabric according to the occasion


Though the judiciary has intervened on many


Mathew and Ammini Tharakan.M. Appreciated for his out-of-the-box but pragmatic approach to law, he was elevated as Chief Justice of Uttarakhand High Court in 2014 and he became instantly popular for his bold approach to issues. He was educated in Kochi and Chennai and started his legal practice in Delhi. He has always strived hard in providing justice to poor litigants.His landmark decision on the liquor policy of Uttarakhand reflected his legal acumen, say lawyers close to him. A former apex court artificial fur fabric wholesale judge who has observed Joseph for a number of years said that Joseph, by his simplicity and patient hearing, has endeared himself with the members of the Bar and other judges wherever he is posted.

He said democracy and federalism were the essential features of our Constitution and were part of its basic structure. Any interpretation that we may place on Article 356 must, therefore help to preserve and not subvert their fabric.K.He came to the limelight with the hard hitting judgment, even criticising the President of India for imposing President’s Rule in Uttarakhand without any material.Asked about the recent President’s Rule judgment, he unfortunately, says that he cannot speak about the judgment or give an interview on the matter as it is sub judice in the apex court. Joseph was in the headlines recently for his landmark verdict quashing President’s Rule imposed in the state by the Narendra Modi government on March 27. When former Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat challenged the President’s Rule imposed in the state on March 27, he would not have imagined that he would get relief so quickly.

Throughout the hearing, the Centre was caught in the back-foot as the Bench headed by Chief Justice Joseph questioned the Union of India’s bonafides in imposing President’s Rule one day before the scheduled floor test fixed by the Governor. Justice Joseph (57) brooks no nonsense in his daily dealings with lawyers and litigants alike. Though the judiciary has intervened on many occasions challenging President’s Rule in states, the judgment restoring the Harish Rawat government had far reaching consequences. Earlier, he was a judge at the Kerala High Court for nine years. Justice Joseph, who belongs to Kerala, was born to former Supreme Court judge K. His conviction in the rule of law made him observe that the action of the President in exercising his powers in issuing the proclamation to unseat Harish Rawat as Chief Minister was subject to judicial review.Whether this historic judgment will stand the apex court’s approval or not remains to be seen when the matter is adjudicated.

He’s firm, tactful but unfailingly polite, something that made him a popular judge both among lawyers and judges. Though the judgment has been stayed by the apex court, Justice Joseph has made an indelible imprint by rendering a landmark verdict, very rarely seen in our High Courts.. It being said that this could be the real reason behind his sudden transfer to the Andhra Pradesh High Court. He said Joseph is also a champion of human rights. A litigator at heart, Joseph managed matters related to a wide range of subjects including civil, criminal, taxation and constitutional cases.With the bold verdict Justice Joseph stunned the Centre, which was confident that its action would get the court’s nod.Chief Justice of Uttarakhand High Court K


Generally, the unaided sector goes

She artificial fur fabric wholesale credits the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) for being a confidence booster for a young female actor to book the man who circulated obscene clips of her and another to complain against a filmmaker who allegedly used a body double for her character in a movie. It is anti-women, inhuman and anti-downtrodden too. In the unorganised sector, if anything of this magnitude happens, we’ll call it a miracle.It is good that such a path-breaking initiative was made possible by the women behind the screens. With no regard to my dignity, I was made to work for long hours that extended till late night. For hospitals, wage parity is hard to implement when there are different categories of nurses. Things were at its worst for married people, especially women. Along with a demand to examine the existing laws related to cinema, we are going to demand the government to devise a comprehensive cinema policy and act,” says Vidhu. We are bound by a force from within, with no class difference. Unfortunately, while earning their daily bread, many women suffer in silence.. In our search, we met many. Teachers are highly underpaid and terribly exploited in such places.,” the note reads. Jacob“It all happened because the Collective assures our fellow beings they are not alone in their fight against injustice. Work pressure was high when I put in my papers. “Malayalam cinema for long has been an uncultured and indecent space. Private schools come under a terribly unorganised and unmonitored sector. Generally, the unaided sector goes in for younger staff, who may oblige the management and not raise their grievances or ask for salary increments,” he says. Nursing institutes, private schools and textiles have the rest of the women trapped.Your eyes may dart over this space, looking for the voices of unheard, oppressed and downtrodden women from the “safest” workplaces on earth. In the end, we aim to make cinema a democratic and gender-sensitive space. Women used to fear losing their career in such an undefined workspace. In Kozhikode, when the female workforce in textiles started a movement, nothing concrete evolved from it. It looks like women in cinema have been waiting all this while for something like this to evolve.   Director Vidhu Vincent says the collective has become a beacon of hope in the industry for many female actors to speak out against years of oppression. He thanks WCC for its supportive attitude towards the female actor. I had no space to question the authorities or raise my voice against them. Still, there exists feudalism. Interpersonal vendetta reached their partners in the form of morphed images and forged voice tapes,” she says, while heaving a sigh of relief from the comforts of her present life as a writer. In the actress abuse case, we continue to make efforts on different levels while standing strongly by her side.. Saji P. Pinky (name changed), from the capital city, had the spine to say goodbye to a well-paying job in IT and chose to listen to her inner calling. They had no objections to me quitting or finding another person in my place for a lesser salary. Jacob, Head of Department of sociology and principal-in-charge of Loyola College of Social Sciences in Sreekaryam, observes, based on the insights he received after assisting a survey on education in the private sector:Dr Biju“It doesn’t seem easy in the unaided sector to organise female employees. Even to open a textile shop there is a licensing mechanism, which is not applicable when a primary school or kindergarten pops up.Soon after the actor’s arrest, director Dr Biju yanked the veil from the world of glitz and glamour with a Facebook scribble.“Professional vengeance reared its ugly head for me to quit. The stereotypical fabric is slowly being cracked after women from a highly “revered” industry formed an independent collective — Women in Cinema — that was instrumental in incarcerating popular actor Dileep for allegedly plotting against an actress.

Be it grammatical errors or fashion faux


Even celebrities are human beings and they tend to make mistakes, but most of the time, people go overboard and tend to be hypercritical,’’ says AdhirCity-based radio presenter Sriram Sullia feels that all Blue Panax Denax Beach Wool faux fur fabric this buzz on social media is just like a 24-hour sandstorm. were trolled for their outfits, the Dangal actress Fatima Sana Shaikh got trolled for donning a black swimsuit during the holy month of Ramadan.


Actress Ameesha Patel got trolled for posting a photograph showing her armpits.We are about to wind up 2017 and Shradda Kapoor could be the last celebrity that twitterati's get to troll on.” The sentiment behind sharing such a picture was genuine but what she did not realise was that the picture she shared was a fake one.Social media has always made us very censorious and 2017 wasn’t any different. “It takes a great deal to reach that point and be a public figure. Can never thank you Jawaans enough.” Within no time, hell broke loose and Twitteratis went absolutely berserk with their comments on the actress.


She went on to tweet about the Indian Army soldiers posted at Siachen Glacier. Social media is more like a double edged sword and you need to have a thick skin to face whatever comes your way,” says Sriram. People look up at you, they discuss about you as a public figure, so you need to be sure about what you are posting. No sooner, a website called SM Hoax Slayer tweeted, “Good thought.Bengaluru-based musician Adhir Punja says that it is sad to see people misuse social media. If Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone.


Be it grammatical errors or fashion faux pas, none of it goes unnoticed, especially when they are posted by celebrities. Once you’ve reached there, you are obliged to face the heat for what you say, and do.


The year 2017 saw a line of celebrities undergo similar experience. The actress posted a picture of soldiers withstanding the extreme cold weather and she wrote, “They freeze to make sure that we are warm. Salman Khan got roasted on Twitter after he posted pictures from the launch of Being Human e-cycle along with some road safety tips. Even when the post comes as an innocent or honest mistake, twitteratis are seldom in the mood to let go of it, and the most recent celebrity to bear the brunt of it was none other than Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor. Most often, these posts are dealt with intense scrutiny and even sarcastic and sardonic comments. We all agree but this particular photo is of the Russian Army


He also demanded that Prime Minister Narendra


Both were interrogated and will be produced in court Tuesday. “Sayeed did not speak to me or my family members.“If the UP government can be held responsible for the Dadri incident, then the BJP is equally responsible for the Udhampur incident along with its ally PDP,” Mr Rashid said. We were asked to contact his PRO Altaf Sahab. This climate of intolerance & violence is very worrying,” Mr Abdullah tweeted. Zahid’s brother Mohammad Younus, who was also present at the press conference along with Mr Ashraf and Mr Rashid, said his family was being threatened by Orange chamois lamb faux fur fabric the police and the state administration. Mr Rashid had to take refuge inside Press Club till additional forces came to his rescue.Mr Rashid was later taken out of the Press Club by police personnel.

One of the victims, 19-year-old Zahid, died at Delhi’s Safdurjung Hospital on Sunday morning.The Delhi police booked and arrested the two men who allegedly carried out the attack under Sections 355 (assault or criminal force with intent to dishonour person) and 341 (wrongful restraint).Monday’s incident came soon after Mr Rashid had made comments at the press conference on his “beef party” at the MLAs’ hostel in Srinagar.Some TV journalists as well as some policemen also got ink and paint on their faces and clothes as they tried to protect the MLA from the mob, PTI reports said. He sat on dharna outside Jammu and Kashmir House in Chanakyapuri, along with a few supporters, saying he should be allowed to go to the Prime Minister’s residence at Race Course Road.As he finished the press conference, Engineer Rashid was stopped at the Press Club gate by some TV journalists for one-to-one interviews when some activists shouting slogans like “Gau mata ka apman, nahi sahega Hindustan” (India will not tolerate any disrespect to the cow) pounced on him and smeared him with black paint, mobil oil and blue ink. Is this the democracy that India boasts about It’s the worst,” Mohammed Ashraf, a relative of Zahid, said after his face was also blackened. “Mufti Sayeed will have to pay for this.Terming the ink attack on the MLA and the ransacking of the BCCI’s headquarters as “despicable”, senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad said Monday that the climate of intolerance and hate in the country was a matter of “deep concern”.

A senior police officer said the two men were members of the right-wing Hindu Sena and were identified as Deepak Sharma and Devender Upadhyaya.In another incident of right-wing hooliganism reflecting the rising wave of intolerance that has put the Narendra Modi government under increasing pressure, a press conference by Independent MLA from J&K Sheikh Abdul Rashid, popularly known as “Engineer Rashid”, became a nightmare for him in New Delhi Monday as some persons, allegedly from the right-wing Hindu Sena, blackened his face with paint, ink and mobil oil protesting against his hosting a “beef party” in Srinagar earlier this month.“They are mentally sick. I want the whole world to see this is how these people are trying to muzzle the voice of Kashmiris,” Mr Rashid, who was earlier beaten by BJP MLAs in the J&K Assembly for hosting the “beef party”, said after the attack. “Either there will be a climate of intolerance and hate or one marked by pluralism and composite culture, there can be no in-between,” he said.

The Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha said that growing acts of intolerance and “hate-mongering” would weaken the social fabric and enfeeble the bonds of amity and brotherhood in society. “I do not eat beef, mutton, or chicken, but that was a form of protest to tell the authorities that do not interfere in anyone’s religion,” Mr Rashid was quoted by PTI as telling reporters when he was asked about violating people’s sentiments. He also demanded that Prime Minister Narendra Modi apologise for the Udhampur incident.“Attack on Engg.Within minutes of the incident, widespread condemnation poured in from the state, with J&K chief minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed saying the “spate in unpleasant incidents” was “most disturbing”, while former CM Omar Abdullah voiced concern, saying “this climate of intolerance and violence is very worrying”. Deepak Sharma stays in Delhi, and Devender Upadhyaya is a resident of Kaushambi in Ghaziabad. The relatives of the two, Zahid and Showkat, who were sleeping in the truck when it was attacked by a mob with petrol bombs, alleged that the Mufti government was “threatening, abusing and warning” their family members from speaking to the media. Rashid is unacceptable & condemned in the strongest possible terms.Rashid had called the media to the Press Club of India for a briefing on the attack on two truck drivers by a mob at Udhampur in Jammu on October 9. Is this how they care for fellow Kashmiris ” he asked.


Such was the perfection of its design


Since then it has become a permanent part of everyone’s wardrobe. In a piece in The New York Times titled Who Made That T-Shirt? Pagan Kennedy credits the creation and first-ever formal launch through an advertisement, and its naming, in 1904, to the Cooper Underwear Company.The exploitation of T-shirts to spew hatred is dangerous.When Marlon Brando wore it in A Streetcar Named Desire, its fashion cult value was established. While the messages themselves were merely contestable opinions, but the chosen route of faking it to fabricate an impression that a worldwide opinion was building around it is a danger. As the first to conceptualise and create non-interactive and interactive LED-embedded T-shirts whose lit, animated messaging can add fun and hi-tech to fashion, she admits she has received expressions of interest for bulk orders from political parties. We will take extra precaution to ensure the messages, even in languages we don’t know, are vetted before we process and supply.“We will take extra care to ensure we don’t end up becoming a technology for misuse.

With the viral power of such images on social media augmenting the fires, it is a new threat to social harmony, especially during election time. It is an extra pressure, but it is our responsibility,” she promised. Printed T-shirts arrived by the 1960s, making way for advertisements, logos, branding, and messages.A sad fallout, amidst justifiable angst after the news of the rape of a child broke out, was a piece of fake news, a fabricated image: two random pictures of men wearing plain Tee-shirts at an airport were photoshopped with a message on how unsafe women were in India. Was this an actual incident? Doesn’t sound like something Right wing would doThe trend is catching on with several derogatory, dangerous and communal messages being printed and worn, and pictures of the Tee shared on social media. A few weeks ago, right-wing political activists decided that this symbol of liberalism and youthful thinking and an icon of freedom, must serve their own nefarious purpose. Tees can be manufactured in huge quantities, distributed free, can carry symbols and images and can be highly provocative. In the early 1990s, Salman Khan in Hindi films and Nagarjuna in the South made T-shirts a fashion mainstay, a must-wear for macho youth.


For example, if someone gets a T-shirt free with a message he or she does not know how to read, but it ends up causing trouble anyway, would the person be culpable?The exploitation of T-shirts to spread and spew hatred is dangerous..In times to come, we need more than Tee-shirt entrepreneurs or Mark Zuckerberg or algorithms to function with greater responsibility. It was in all possibility an improvisation on cotton undergarments that can be traced back to several decades before. The Election Commission, and we as people, have an added responsibility to ensure that the trend of hate-mongering through an innocent medium like the carefree Tee does not add to the already vitiated atmosphere in the country.Luring youth towards hatredThe tendency to subvert something positive, however, has claimed the Tee too.


Hate’s Siamese TwinWhere hate can spread through actual vituperative messaging and poisonous content, lurks a larger danger – just fake it. Tennis star Sania Mirza made an impact with ‘smart messaging’ on her T-shirts. Tees can be manufactured in huge quantities, distributed free, and can carry provocative messages.Legal minds may have to do some head-scratching in case the messages are deemed unlawful, because of the medium. By 1920, the word T-shirt became part of American-English and appeared in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.It’s a threat that innovative T-maker, Dr Mahalakshmi Nagubandi, co-founder and COO, of Sygnal, a programmable T-shirt company with a battery and Bluetooth chip within the fabric connected to a phone, is well aware of.The popularity was further augmented when US merchant marine sailors adopted it as their uniform in 1944. Its low cost and durability helped mass-sales during the Great Depression and the 1930s, and it became a staple of working class folks. The first one, window-dressed as ‘intensely patriotic’ read: ‘Indian Army: Saving your A** whether you like it or not’.


Such was the perfection of its design, utility, comfort and versatility that, despite amazing improvement and tweaks, the T-shirt has largely remained the same since its invention more than 110 years ago.With the disruptive spread of printing technology and online shopping in this century, T-shirts acquired a new following as it became a way of making a personalised statement and something almost anyone could make, print, and wear.The Tee was a hit, became gender-neutral informal wear, and a great sports and fitness garment.We need each one of us to exercise the power of like, share, retweet with a higher sense of accountability, scrutiny and caution; eternal vigilance continues to be the price of liberty. But the truth is T-shirts injection molding china are ubiquitous


Thus Charlemagne himself, in fact and theory


All the more as the archbishop did not stop at that.The interest and intervention of the Pope in empire-building and the allocation and allotment of land to the kings and monarchs of medieval Europe is, therefore, a historical reality. The empire and the papacy exist independent of each other, notwithstanding the occasional mutuality and reciprocity. Nevertheless, at the end, Christian thought tended and tried to distinguish separate spheres of “regnum”, denoting the political realm, and “sacerdotium”, signifying the spiritual world of the Church.The Archbishop of Delhi’s missive to all the parish priests in which he talked about the “turbulent political atmosphere which poses a threat to the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution Beige rabbit fur faux fur fabric and the secular fabric of the nation” deserves careful scrutiny. Wrote Keith: “Political conditions favoured action.Let me make things clearer. The aims of the Company were essentially commercial.

His final words: “in 2019, we will have a new government” and “let us begin a prayer campaign for our country” can be faulted on fact, merit and the application of law.The archbishop appears to have several issues on his mind. The Church and the State were separate. It just proved impossible to agree whether they should suffer tyrants as a test of faith, or were entitled to oppose them as “ungodly” rulers.Nevertheless, the archbishop’s thoughts and words take me to the genesis of empire and the papacy of medieval Europe, wherein, surprisingly, India stood out stark in the psyche and action plan of Pope Alexander VI in the late 15th century.

Historically, Christians owe obedience to all authority, but their duty to God trumped that to any secular power. The empire was the joint creation of King Charlemagne and Pope Leo III. In his book A Constitutional History of India 1600-1935, published in September 1937, Arthur Berriedale Keith, the celebrated constitutional lawyer, a prodigy at Oxford University and a fellow of the British Academy in 1935, wrote: “Elizabeth… granted a charter of incorporation on December 31, 1600. He further urged his religious fraternity “to pray for the country and its political leaders all the time, but all the more so when we approach the general election”.

The climax of the archbishop’s thoughts was a clarion call pertaining to the results of the 2019 general election: “As we look forward to 2019, when we will have a new government, let us begin a prayer campaign for our country”. Thus, India was ordained to be under Europeans by the decree of Pope Alexander VI, way back in the last decade of the 15th century (1493), much before any visual contact had been established between Vasco da Gama, who landed on the Malabar coast on May 20, 1498, and Indians. Seen in this light, the views of the Archbishop of Delhi could be defended or rejected, depending on which angle you are looking at.

Thus, the Holy Roman Empire owed its foundation to Pope Leo III’s decision to dignify this expansion by conferring an imperial title on Charlemagne, thereby paving the way to a classic arrangement which was not only mutually necessary and complementary, but which improved upon the overall shapeless administrative chaos of the past. Trade with the East was essential.The Holy Roman Empire, whose history lies in the heart of the European experience, lasted for more than a millennium, “well over twice as long as Imperial Rome itself”, and included all or a part of 11 modern European countries — Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland. The Bull of May 1493 of Pope Alexander VI had assigned India to Portugal in its division between that country and Spain of the undiscovered non-Christian world; and subsequent treaties between these countries had recognised the allocation, with modifications.”However, much before the Elizabethan decree had begun the chronic intra-European wars which confronted the intransigence of the Sultan of Turkey, who created a serious hurdle and came in the way of the development of an overland Indo-European trade route. Seen in this light, the words of the Archbishop of Delhi are neither surprising, nor new. Though Charles was a devout Christian and a zealous supporter of Christianity, he had made it clear from the very start that he (as King) was the supreme head of both, the State and the Church, and that the Pope was his deputy. He was the “God-given autocrat of Western Christendom”.

Thus Charlemagne himself, in fact and theory, was the master of the empire, papacy and Church. While the words “new government” is a known reality irrespective of which party wins more seats, what could be perceived to be suspect in some quarters is the latter part of the sentence: “a prayer campaign for our country”. Attempts to resolve the issue made them draw on the Scripture, notably Christ to the Pharisees. There nevertheless existed “hope” — which suggested a new line of approach in case of discovery of a practical passage to India by the Cape of Good Hope.Several potential questions crop up. It follows a long, sustained pattern for which a number of precedents exist in the history books of medieval Occident..Thus, through vicissitudes of centuries, the Christian West has voted for the separation of empire (secular state of the prince) from that of ecclesiastical empiricism (spiritualism of the priest), thereby making Voltaire (1694-1778) quip that “it was neither holy, Roman nor an empire”. What sort of “prayer campaign” does the archbishop have in mind? Religious? Spiritual? Political? Cultural? Social? Ethnic? Communal? Also, if the archbishop really wants to start all this by himself, and ask his religious troops to follow a regime of prayer campaign for an avowed political election, then he should not be taken aback or surprised to face a volley of political counter-questions, and at times pointed high-explosive kinetic material, resulting in severe tectonic movements owing to the very nature of the realpolitik of our times. Delhi follows the legacy of the West. It began on Sunday, December 25, 800 AD, with the coronation of Charlemagne (Charles) as the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, a theocratic state, the existence of which continued till it was dismantled on August 6, 1806, to prevent Napoleon from usurping it. The ecclesiastical jurisdiction belonged to the Church to give blessing, recognition and identity to the King; and the King in turn controlled the kingdom, Church, Pope and empire. Since 1580, the sovereignty of Spain had been extended over Portugal, and the Portuguese rights over Indian territories had passed to the Spanish Crown”


The fifth generation of cellular network


India export 5G hardware to the rest of the world. Even allowing for some duplication of phones, this is an awesome reach.The smack of firm purpose is also visible in official corridors.The fifth iteration in mobile communication, just 2 years away, will profoundly affect both nations and individuals in radical new ways.In the 45 years since Motorola engineer-inventor Martin Cooper made the world&faux fur fabric suppliers39;s first commercial voice call from a portable instrument, on the streets of New York, the technology of mobile, cellular telephony has seen four up ticks, roughly one every decade. This is Nokia’s lar-gest production unit and these base stations will allow operators to make a smooth transition to 5G while still supporting 4G from the same hardware.2 billion — that is 93 out of 100 Indians. Last month, official numbers from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) put the number of telephones subscribed at just over 1. And for a change, it looks like India will be at the vanguard of developments.

A test bed is a lab environment where multiple wireless technologies like millimetre waves, Multiple In Multiple Out (MIMO) and backhaul can be simulated with realistic loads. India’s leading telecom providers have made their own arrangements to be 5G ready in good time for the global rollout that is expected to happen in 2020.

The Forum is chaired by telecom secretary Aruna Sundararajan, a veteran technology administrator, who has headed the infotech department as well as the Bharat Broadband initiative during earlier tenures.This is because, the next generation of mobile handsets will # debut at a time when the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a mature, robust reality: the interconnection via the Internet, of computing devices embedded in millions of everyday objects, from toasters to doorbells to street lights, enabling them to send and receive data.This is also perhaps the reason that, this time around, India is not a late follower but in the vanguard of developments to ensure readiness for the switch over to 5G. BSNL has turned to Nokia and its “5G First” end to end solution, while Reliance Jio has partnered with Samsung. It has also announced that it is poised to deploy state-of-the-art Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology, key enabler for 5G networks, starting with Bengaluru and Kolkata (see box below: ‘Father of MIMO’). The mobile phone will cease to be a gee-whiz gadget and will morph in to a general purpose utility like power or water or transportation. Airtel has announced a strategic partnership with Korean telecommunications service provider SK Telecom to leverage its expertise to build the most advanced 5G telecom network in India. The prognosis is good that ‘5G hai ji!’ will be a real and meaningful mantra for Indians, two years down the roadWhat 5G can do for youAt the Global Mobile Broadband Forum (Global MBBF) in London last month, Huawei identified the top ten most promising 5G use cases:Cloud VR/ARConnected automotiveSmart manufacturingConnected energyWireless eHealthWireless home entertainmentConnected dronesSocial networksPersonal AI assistantSmart City..The harmonious coming together of academic, public and private players at this early stage bodes well for India’s ambitions to leverage futuretech like 5G for governance and citizen empowerment. A. The test bed at IIT Delhi has been created by with help from global telecom player Ericsson and serves as an incubation centre for startups.

The Forum will provide leadership across the public and private spectrum to ensure a coordinated and time-bound rollout of 5G technologies and infrastructure, and more importantly, the nurturing of innovation and generation of intellectual property in 5G arenas. A tool to connect people to people — and information — will transform into a new fabric connecting people to everything.The fifth generation of cellular network technology — or 5G — is over two years away. To be able to harness the dozens of such connected devices that any one individual commands, a central communicator is necessary in every one's hands. It has to be cheap, simple and ubiquitous —and mobile phone has no competitors for this role. Why?Experts tell us that 5G will profoundly affect global economies on one hand and peoples’ lifestyles on the other.Meanwhile the ubiquity of mobile Internet is helped by initiatives like the RailTel-Google project to provide free WiFi at railway stations — over 200 last month.The states are also stirring themselves: Karnataka has signed an MoU with Finland and is drawing on the expertise of Finland-headquartered Nokia which has its main Indian R&D facility in Bengaluru, to put the state on the 5G map. Yet there is a palpable air of excitement and expectation, a flurry of announcements by phone makers, telecom providers — and governments — which makes this different from all earlier advances in the mobile phone business. Paulraj, Professor Emeritus of Stanford Univ-ersity,, Mr Gururaj Deshpande, the chairman of Sycamore Networks, Sandstone, USA, Indian industry led by CEOs of the infotech and telecom industry, Telecom Standard Development Organisation of India (TSDSI), Professors from IIT Madras, IIT Mumbai, IIT Delhi, IIT Hyderabad, IISc Bengaluru, IT industry and stakeholders from industry associations. The government has constituted High-Level 5G India 2020 Forum with three Secretaries of key ministries or departments relating to telecom, Meity and DST, and has coopted renowned experts like Dr. Such systems created by Indian academics and engineers are up and running at IIT Madras and IIIT-Hyderabad.At its factory at Oragadam near Chennai, Nokia is set by this month end, to manufacture 5G-ready Air-Scale base stations — the equipment that allows telecom providers to offer 5G-speed services. It will have as much impact on society as electricity did in an earlier age, they predict, triggering a new industrial revolution. Industry and government are on the same page: as you read this, 5G test beds are being set up at multiple locations, where the readiness of networks and devices for next generation cellular communication can be tested and prototypes run. In the process, bulky analog phones gave way to sleek digital instruments; text-based messaging became a popular additional service; phones could access the Internet at ever zippier speeds — and the tail wagged the dog: data replaced voice as the primary vehicle of communication. The bits and pieces are falling into place


To have world class World Cup teams

Schools and colleges may also be invited.A top Fifa official inspected the stadium on Friday, according to sources, but the world governing body is yet to take over the stadium officially as on Tuesday noon. Patil stadium’s playing field while Paraguay and Mali, who are set to play the second match on Friday practices at D. We expect a full house on Friday,” he said.

Western India Football Association CEO Henry Menezes, who has also opened ticketing kiosks at Cooperage Football Ground, St Xavier’s Parel and other football venues in the city, also backs the Fifa Local Organising Committee’s claims.A good turn out was also expected at Mumbai Football Arena in Andheri Sports Complex after free entry was granted for Brazil and England’s practice games against New Zealand. Patil Ground 2 (Cricket Ground) and Navi Mumbai Sports Association ground respectively. The size of individual seats has also increased, none of whom would have a restricted view because of the cantilevered gull wing roof.Y.But will almost half-a-lakh spectators actually come to the stadium with India not playing here in the league stages? All the teams playing here are strong are likely to produce entertaining football but will it interest the Indian fans?The organisers claim healthy sale of tickets and expect a packed house on Friday.But the burning question remains — will football fans from the city and surrounding areas fill the stadium to capacity? The original capacity of the stadium was around 55,000, which was reduced to around 48,000 according to sources after upgraded individual bucket seats in the stadium for all spectators. Both the teams left for their respective venues on Tuesday. Consulates and foreigners here are also showing big interest.Y. Patil Stadium before the first practice session was set to take off at the venue on Monday evening. But the end turn out for both games was very poor.

They also met the Mumbai mayor, Vishwanath Mahadeshwar.Y.The organisers have learnt from hosting the Justin Bieber concert in May this year, which has resulted in new safe evacuation gates for spectators and improved facilities for the audience.The final touches were in full bloom at D.The stadium will host Group B games between New Zealand and Turkey, followed by Paraguay and Mali on the opening day, October 6. A solar power plant has been installed and two practice grounds were renovated.But since responding well to the India versus Puerto Rico game at Mumbai Football Arena last September, spectators interest has been decreasing in other senior international games held at the venue. Their opponents in the opening game, Turkey, got a feel of the D.Brazil, who are scheduled to play Group D matches in Kochi, and England who play Group F matches in Kolkata, were also stationed in Mumbai for training at Mumbai Football Arena (MFA). The owner of the stadium, Vijay Patil who has been at the forefront in bringing Fifa U-17 World Cup games to the venue, was supervising the work done and also inspected the playing field that looks like a lush green carpet. Four more league games, a Round of 16 match and a semi-final tie will be held at the stadium.

However, a maiden Fifa event could draw numbers How much, remains to be seen!.“To have world class World Cup teams train at a facility in Mumbai is an honour and an opportunity to inspire kids, coaches to rise,” wholesale Beige printed mink Faux Fur Fabrics tweeted MDFA president Aaditya Thackeray. People are coming from far areas also.All the four U-17 World Cup teams scheduled to play Group B games at D. The England team even visited the iconic Shivaji Park on Monday to interact and play with kids there. Patil stadium have already arrived in Mumbai, and are engaged in gruelling practice sessions across four venues in the city. The other venues for the World Cup are Guwahati, Kolkata, Delhi, Kochi and Goa.New Zealand, who have also been stationed in Mumbai for over a week, practiced at Yashwant Rao Chavan ground in Navi Mumbai on Tuesday.“As per my knowledge, around 25,000 tickets have been already sold for the first day (October 6). Two new team dressing rooms have been developed.Y.The newly installed fabric roof makes it the stadium with the largest such structure in the country as well. Even the Fifa website shows sold out tickets except for one category